Technical Report Writing

Anyone that works within technical report environments will benefit from this training course. This training to instruct target audience to upgrade their skills and boost the quality of their technical documentation.

The Technical Report Writing training program is designed to equip participants with the skills and techniques necessary to produce clear, concise, and effective technical reports in various professional settings. This program covers a range of topics essential for technical report writing, including understanding the purpose and audience of the report, organizing information logically, and conveying complex technical information in a reader-friendly manner. Participants learn how to structure reports effectively, use appropriate language and tone, and incorporate visuals such as graphs, charts, and tables to enhance clarity and understanding. Additionally, the program may cover techniques for conducting research, analyzing data, and citing sources accurately and ethically. Through interactive workshops, practical exercises, and real-world examples, participants have the opportunity to practice technical report writing skills and receive feedback to improve their writing proficiency. Ultimately, the program aims to empower participants to produce high-quality technical reports that meet the needs of their intended audience and contribute to informed decision-making and problem-solving.

Topics Covered.

  1. Technical reports
    • The main characteristics of technical reports (e.g., based on facts, accessible, accurate, complete, and compiled by competent people).
    • Total quality management.
    • Common problems that can happen.
    • Five quality levels in a technical report writing process.
  2. Preparing to write
    • How to prepare to write technical reports.
    • Layout.
    • Information sequencing and the use of illustrations.
    • The simplicity of expression.
    • Common problems with technical reports.
  3. How to structure the report (LEAVES and ABC)
    • Logical
    • Easy to use
    • Accurate information
    • Value to the reader
    • Efficient use of language
    • Standardized style
    • Accurate – it is factual and objective.
    • Brief – it is short without leaving anything out.
    • Clear – it is understandable, complete, and to the point.
  4. How to start writing and editing the report
    • Key insights on writing technical reports.

Learning Outcomes:
Participants will:
• Explore obstacles to effective technical report writing.
• Understand technical reports.
• Understand a range of tools and techniques.
• Examine different techniques to build an effective process.
• Understand the benefits of effective report writing.