Organizational Behavior

Anyone that works within companies will benefit from this course on organizational behavior skills. The course helps target audience understand organizational behaviors, learn how to deal with uncertainty better, and how to increase their capacity to deal with change.

The Organizational Behavior training program offers participants a deep dive into the dynamics of human behavior within organizational settings. This program delves into various aspects of behavior, including individual, group, and organizational levels, providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of how people interact within work environments. Topics covered include motivation, leadership styles, communication patterns, team dynamics, decision-making processes, and organizational culture. Through a blend of theoretical concepts, practical case studies, and experiential exercises, participants gain insights into the complexities of human behavior and learn strategies for enhancing organizational effectiveness and employee well-being. Ultimately, the program aims to empower participants to leverage their understanding of organizational behavior to create positive workplace environments, foster teamwork, and drive organizational success.

Topics Covered.

  1. What is organizational behavior?
    • The essentials of organizational behavior.
    • What is organizational behavior?
    • The evolution of management perspectives.
  2. Models of organizational behavior
    • Key theories on organizational behavior.
    • Fundamental organizational theories (e.g., scientific management, job simplification, and classical organizational theory).
    • Fayol’s 14 principles.
    • The Hawthorne Studies.
    • Human Relations Theory and McGregor’s Theory X And Y view on management styles.
    • Systems and contingency perspectives on organizational behavior.
    • Leadership theories.
    • The role of leadership in organizational behavior.
  3. Characteristics Of The Excellent Organization
    • Bias for action.
    • Stay close to the customer.
    • Autonomy and entrepreneurship.
    • Productivity through people.
    • Hands-on management.
    • Sticking to the knitting.
    • Simple form and lean staff.
    • Loosely and tightly organized.

Learning outcomes
Participants will:
• Examine the relationship between behavior and the organization.
• Understand the evolution of management thought.
• Examine models of organizational behavior.
• Explore how to identify and shape an excellent organization.