Delegation In Leadership


This program benefits all employees in administrative and leadership positions and has the authority to delegate and make decisions. The course also benefits all workers in stressful positions.

The Leadership Delegation training program is designed to equip leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively delegate tasks and responsibilities within their teams or organizations. The program typically covers various aspects of delegation, including when and how to delegate, selecting the right tasks and individuals for delegation, and setting clear expectations and objectives. Participants learn about the benefits of delegation, such as increased productivity, employee empowerment, and skill development. They also explore strategies for overcoming common barriers to delegation, such as concerns about control or trust. Additionally, the program may include modules on communication, coaching, and accountability to support successful delegation practices. Through interactive workshops, case studies, and role-playing exercises, participants practice delegation techniques and receive feedback to enhance their delegation skills. Ultimately, the program aims to empower leaders to delegate effectively, optimize team performance, and focus on strategic priorities.

Topics Covered.

  1. The relationship between leadership and delegation
    • How delegation delivers results
    • Delegation and leadership success.
    • What is delegation?
  2. The benefits of delegation
    • The difference between delegation skills and control.
  3. Key leadership theories
    • The importance of the qualities and traits approach to leadership
    • Are leaders born or made?
    • The personality traits, functional, and group approaches to leadership.
  4. The functions and responsibilities of leadership
    • Leadership misconceptions.
    • Leadership best practices.
    • The importance of action-centred leadership.
  5. The relationship between leadership and delegation skills
    • Path-goal theory.
    • Accountability and authority.
    • Why managers should delegate.
    • The tasks a leader should or should not delegate.
    • Why some leaders don’t delegate tasks.
  6. An effective delegation process
    • How to delegate effectively.
    • A practical time management tool.  
    Learning Outcomes:
    Your participants will:
    • Explore the relationship between leadership and delegation.
    • Understand the main approaches to leadership.
    • Explore three crucial key terms (e.g., accountability, authority, responsibility).
    • Understand how to delegate more.