Issues In an Organization

Anyone who works within companies will benefit from this course on issues in an organization.

The Issues in an Organization training program is designed to address the multifaceted challenges that organizations encounter in today’s dynamic business environment. This program provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of the diverse issues that can arise within organizations and equips them with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively identify, analyze, and address these issues. Participants explore a wide range of topics, including organizational culture, leadership, communication, conflict resolution, change management, diversity and inclusion, and ethical considerations. Through interactive workshops, case studies, and practical exercises, participants gain insights into real-world organizational issues and learn strategies for navigating complex situations. By the end of the program, participants emerge with enhanced problem-solving abilities, greater resilience in the face of challenges, and a deeper understanding of how to foster a positive and productive organizational environment.

Topics Covered.

  1. Seven key business areas
    • Organizational and corporate dynamics.
    • Organizational structure.
    • Group processes.
    • Communication.
    • Organizational change.
    • Corporate culture.
    • Strategic management.
  2. Organizational structure and success
    • Approaches to organizational structure.
    • Key concepts and dimensions of organizational structure.
    • Structuring of activities.
    • Line control of the workforce.
  3. Group dynamics skills
    • Types of groups.
    • The relationship between groups and performance factors.
    • The phases of socialization.
    • Factors and consequences of group cohesiveness.
    • The different types of communication across groups.
  4. Change management skills
    • What is change.
    • How to diagnose the need for change.
    • Unfreezing, changing, and refreezing tactics.
    • Driving and restraining forces for rebalancing the “change equilibrium”.
  5. Positive organizational culture
    • The various characteristics of corporate culture.
    • The different types of culture.
    • Key images of organizations.
  6. Strategic management skills
    • Strategic management initiatives.
  7. Strategy
    • What is organizational strategy.
    • How a strategy sets a direction for a company.
    • How a strategy will define a company.
    • Focusing effort and providing consistency within a company.

Learning Outcomes:
Participants will:
• Explore key organizational issues.
• Understand key business dynamics.
• Examine strategic management best practices.
• Understand the importance of culture.
• Discuss the value of supportive structures.
• Understand the role of groups.
• Explore various types of communication skills.
• Understand and manage change.