Problem Solving

Anyone who works within companies will benefit from this course on problem-solving skills.

The Problem-Solving Skills training course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge, techniques, and strategies necessary to effectively identify, analyze, and solve complex problems in various personal and professional contexts. This course covers a wide range of topics related to problem-solving, including problem definition, root cause analysis, brainstorming techniques, decision-making processes, and implementation planning. Participants learn how to approach problems systematically, gather and analyze relevant information, generate creative solutions, and evaluate alternatives to make informed decisions. Additionally, the course may cover topics such as critical thinking, data analysis, and collaboration skills to enhance problem-solving effectiveness. Through interactive workshops, case studies, and real-world simulations, participants have the opportunity to apply problem-solving techniques in practical scenarios and develop their problem-solving skills in a supportive learning environment. Ultimately, the course aims to empower participants to become confident and effective problem-solvers capable of addressing challenges and driving positive outcomes in their personal and professional lives.

Topics Covered.

  1. Problem solving techniques.
    • How to define problem solving.
    • Why we need to solve problems.
    • How to shorten the gap between what performance is happening and what performance is desired.
    • How to use reflection techniques when solving problems.
  2. Ten problem solving techniques.
    • Brainstorming.
    • TPN Analysis.
    • Matrix Analysis.
    • Paired Comparisons.
    • Team Purpose Analysis.
    • A Cause And Effect Diagram.
    • SWOT Analysis.
    • We examine the 5 Ws.
    • The 5 Whys technique.
    • The Six Thinking Hats.
  3. Planning and implementing projects.
    • The fundamentals of planning.
    • The PDCA Cycle.
  4. Force Field Analysis.
    • A force-field analysis.
    • How to plan and implement a change program.
    • Overcoming resistance to change.
    • Driving and restraining forces.
  5. An effective seven-step problem solving process.
    • How to identify the problem.
    • How to explore the problem.
    • Setting goals.
    • Alternative solutions.
    • How to select the best solution.
    • Practical approaches to implementing a solution.
    • How to evaluate problems.
  6. Why problem solving can fail?
    • Poor problem solving techniques.
    • A lack of focus.
    • The impact of a lack of resources.
    • Non-implementable solutions.

Learning Outcomes
Participants will:
• Explore a definition of problem solving.
• Examine different types of problems.
• Discuss ten problem solving techniques.
• Explore two effective planning techniques.
• Understand a seven-step problem solving model.
• Understand why problem solving techniques can sometimes fail.
• Examine what problem solving methods are best.