
Anyone in a leadership position will benefit from this leadership training. The course explores obstacles to effective leadership skills and offers tips and insights on both formal and lateral leadership styles.

A Leadership Training course aims to develop and enhance the skills, knowledge, and competencies of individuals in leadership roles. The course covers a wide range of topics essential for effective leadership, including communication, decision-making, conflict resolution, team building, motivation, and strategic thinking. Participants learn various leadership styles and theories, allowing them to understand their leadership preferences and adapt their approach to different situations and team dynamics. Additionally, the course may delve into emotional intelligence, ethics, diversity, and inclusion to cultivate well-rounded and socially responsible leaders. Through interactive sessions, case studies, and experiential learning activities, participants have the opportunity to practice and refine their leadership skills in a supportive environment. Ultimately, the course aims to empower leaders to inspire, motivate, and lead their teams to achieve organizational goals and drive positive change.

Topics Covered.

  1. Leadership skills
    • Frontline leadership skills.
    • The characteristics and behaviors of influential leaders.
  2. Leadership and management
    • The need to develop successful leaders.
    • The differences between leadership and management.
  3. Leadership styles
    • Transactional leadership styles.
    • Transformational leadership styles.
    • Traditional leadership styles.
    • Negotiating leadership styles.
    • Charismatic leadership styles.
  4. Additional leadership styles
    • McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y.
  5. Forces and leadership style
    • How has leadership changed.
    • Traditional rules don’t always apply.
    • The role of forces and leadership styles.
  6. Lateral leadership
    • Lateral leadership.
    • An effective five-step model of lateral leadership.
  7. When leadership goes wrong
    • Why leadership can go wrong.

Learning Outcomes:
Your participants will:
• Explore the main obstacles to effective leadership.
• Examine formal and lateral leadership.
• Understand leadership skills.
• Understand how to improve their leadership skills.
• Explore the benefits of effective leadership.