Supply Chain Management


People working in supply, procurement, warehouse and storage management, planning, operations management, distribution managers, students, and other stakeholders in the production network.

This training program provides a comprehensive introduction to Supply Chain Management. Participants will gain a solid understanding of supply chain principles, strategies, and best practices. The course covers key aspects of supply chain design, planning, operations, and performance measurement, equipping attendees with the skills needed to optimize supply chain efficiency and effectiveness.
Course Objectives
• Understand the fundamentals of supply chain management.
• Learn about supply chain design and strategic alignment.
• Explore supply chain planning and inventory management.
• Develop skills for managing supply chain operations and logistics.
• Gain insights into supply chain performance measurement and continuous improvement.
Target Audience
• Supply chain and operations managers.
• Logistics professionals and planners.
• Procurement and inventory managers.
• Business professionals involved in supply chain activities.
• Students and recent graduates interested in supply chain management.

Course Content
Fundamentals and Design of Supply Chain Management
• Introduction to Supply Chain Management
• Supply Chain Design and Strategy
• Supply Chain Planning and Forecasting
• Inventory Management
• Supply Chain Integration and Collaboration
• Practical Exercise and Q&A
Operations, Logistics, and Performance Measurement
• Supply Chain Operations and Logistics
• Supplier and Customer Relationship Management
• Technology and Innovation in Supply Chain
• Supply Chain Risk Management
• Performance Measurement and Continuous Improvement
Practical Exercise and Q&A
Closing Remarks and Feedback