Dr. Tarek Hachem

Dr. Hachem, with a PhD in Business Management is a seasoned professional trainer and proprietor of a leading training center, holds a Ph.D. in Business Management. With a profound understanding of the intricacies of the modern business landscape, he is adept at guiding individuals through complex and global environments. Dr. Hachem fosters an environment of innovation, encouraging trainees to explore unconventional ideas and theories across a wide range of Human Resource Management (HRM) topics. His training approach focuses on honing students’ problem-solving and decision-making skills, offering a critical perspective on managerial actions. By emphasizing relevant concepts and practices applicable to daily business operations, he equips trainees with the tools to define, analyze, and resolve business challenges effectively. Through a systematic and practical approach, Dr. Hachem empowers trainees to confront crises and navigate sensitive business situations with confidence, enabling them to identify opportunities amidst adversity and prevent recurring problems.